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CGPSC Mains Exam Details : Candidates who are all selected after prelims exam will be able to apply for the mains exams on the official website of cgpsc by paying prescribed exam fee. For OBC/SC/ST/EWS candidates the fee will be Rs.300, other candidates will have to pay Rs. 400 as an exam fee.

Those who clear the written exam will be eligible for interview test that will be of 150 marks.

There are total 7 papers in CGPSC Mains Examination. It takes 3 and half days to write these exams.

CGPSC Mains Examination and Interview:


S.No.Name of Question Paper DurationTotal
1. LanguagePaper-I3 Hours200
2. EssayPaper-II (Write 4 Essays 2 from each section )3 Hours200
3. General Studies I Paper-III3 Hours200
4.  General Studies II Paper-IV3 Hours200
5. General Studies III Paper-V3 Hours200
6. General Studies IV Paper-VI3 Hours200
7.  General Studies V Paper-VII3 Hours200
Total Marks 1400


1. Question papers for Main Examination will be of Conventional nature i.e.: Short/ Medium/ Long answers Type.

2. Candidates short listed for the Main Examination on the basis of Preliminary Examination (Screening Test) must appear for all the seven papers in Main Examination. Candidates selected for the Interview on the basis of Main Examination must appear in the Interview. Absence in any paper of Main Examination and Interview will be liable for disqualification.

3. All the question papers except first -”Language” may be answered in Hindi or English chosen by the candidates. However a candidate will not be permitted to write part of the paper in Hindi and part of it in English.

Paper I – Language

Paper II – Essay

There will be two sections in this paper. 1. National level Problems 2. Chhattisgarh State Problems.The Candidates will be given three options in each section and will have to write on one option from each section, the problem – solution (reason, present status including data and solution).

Paper III to VII – General Studies

Paper III to VII will contain the questions as given below:

Section 01:- 

In this section there will be 20 compulsory questions from various parts of the syllabus of the paper concerned. Each question will carry 02 marks. Thus the maximum marks in this section will be 40. (Word limit for answer of each question – about 30).


In this section there will be 10 compulsory questions from various parts of the syllabus of the paper concerned. Each question will carry 04 marks. Thus the maximum marks in this section will be 40. (Word limit for answer of each question – about 60).

Section 03:

In this section there will be 05 compulsory questions from various parts of the syllabus of the paper concerned. Each question will carry 08 marks. Thus the maximum marks in this section will be 40. (Word limit for answer of each question – about 100).

Section 04:- 

In this section total 03 questions will be given from various parts of the syllabus of the paper concerned. Out of which 02 questions will have to be solved. Each question will carry 20 marks. Thus the maximum marks in this section will be 40. (Word limit for answer of each question – about 250).

Section 05:

In this section total 02 questions will be given from various parts of the syllabus of paper concerned. Out of which 01 question will have to be solved. This question will carry 40 marks. Thus the maximum marks in this section will be 40. (Word limit for answer of the question – about 500).

Interview/ Personality Test

  • Interview/ Personality Test will be carry 150 marks.


S.No.Question Paper NameDownload Syllabus EnglishDownload Syllabus Hindi
1.1 (Language)View/DownloadView/Download
2.2 (Essay)View/DownloadView/Download
3.3 (History , Constitution and Public Administration)View/DownloadView/Download
4.4 (Science , Technology & Environment)View/DownloadView/Download
5.5 (Economics & Geography)View/DownloadView/Download
6.6 (Mathematics And Reasoning Ability)View/DownloadView/Download
7.7 (Philosophy & Sociology)View/DownloadView/Download

उम्मीद है आपको छत्तीसगढ़ के CGPSC Mains Examination से संबंधित सारी जानकारी पसंद आई होगी।

छत्तीसगढ़ लोक सेवा आयोग एवं छत्तीसगढ़ व्यापम संबंधित तथा छत्तीसगढ़ की अन्य सभी परीक्षाओं के बारे में जानकारी आपको सीजी पीएससी गुरुजी वेबसाइट में मिलती रहेगी । कृपया हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें और फेसबुक पेज को भी लाइक करे ताकि छत्तीसगढ़ की विभिन्न परीक्षाओं के बारे में आपको जानकारी मिलती रहे ।

You can also read many things about CGPSC prelims‚ CGPSC mains and interview you can also so get information about other exams of Chhattisgarh PSC and CG Vyapam in CGPSC Guruji.

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